Sunday, February 7, 2010

Rogers Bandwidth Upgrade Rogers High Speed Bandwidth Upgrade?

Rogers High speed bandwidth upgrade? - rogers bandwidth upgrade

I currently have Rogers High Speed Ultra Lite my internet. It is the networking between 2 computers. The connection speed will be 500kb / s but the more you get is 80kb / s. I know that Rogers has started to increase at a rate to life, so check this website for my check-Speed Internet access (only 1 project was ) Test speed. says my speed is 400kb / s, but I think it is much slower. When I download music (where a computer is turned on), the 65kb / s. With the use of Bit Torrent, the 55kb / s.
Why Rogers says that my connection 400kb / s then it is much slower? I have Norton Security Online, the free Internet service.
That is the problem, because Rogers improved, or is my computer?


Andrew C said...

Oi I'm in the same situation! The speed test said that my download speed is about 250 kb / s. My download speed was 50-65kb / s. I wonder if Roger's always been our Ultra-Lite update.

Michele C said...

We need an ADSL modem if you have a get - no high-speed sorry = [

Our determination is up to 15 Mbps and 1.5 Mbps

really a Google search, such as ADSL + my city

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