Friday, December 11, 2009

Optical Microscope Great Idea What Causes Greater Magnification In Electron Microscopes Compared To Optical Microscopes?

What causes greater magnification in electron microscopes compared to optical microscopes? - optical microscope great idea

I know that the shortest wavelength of the electrons increases resolution, but what really makes the best expansion?

1 comment:

Gary H said...

The extension is done electronically. With lenses "magnetic" (actually electromagnetic coils) in the path of the electron beam, the size and position of the electron beam can be controlled. In a scanning electron microscope, the beam is in an area, and the signals detected by screening the sample through the picture drawn. As you probably know, it is possible to, optical lenses, to construct a stronger increase for optical microscopes to produce, but the problem is that only would prolong the uncertainty (resolution limited by the wavelength of light). Hope this helps

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