Sunday, January 31, 2010


Why DOES BLOOD KEEP RUSHING TO MY FACE? - blood rushes to face

Hey guys, I am (a man of 17 years and I do not know why the blood is running in the face, especially the legs pitch) is like an epidemic, a while ago, I had burning in these areas, and havent done much but put on aloe vera gel, but I stopped and I blood on his face every time I go out, and when in place on the floor. Is there anything I can do to solve this problem? I do not believe that something burning sensation in most of


ThatGirl... said...

Could an allergic reaction to something, or stress. I would like to see a doctor if it persist.

MrzSp0ng... said...

Now hang ru?

prettyar... said...

It's the nerves. Just turn the whole time without reason. whole face of my sister's doing. My ears are burning like crazy and in turn beat red. Sometimes trying to stay calm and just plenty of cold water.

mrfrijo said...

Make sure that you are not on the head for the flow of blood to the head

SlowClap said...

Well, first you must wear sunscreen. Get a formula that some "human" things, if you want, but protect your skin needs, as may the wind and the sun and temperature changes really redden your cheeks. I think terribly rosy cheeks in winter and hot outside in the cold - the change is just my cheeks and warm. I hate - I think it's because my naturally rosy cheeks and temporary workers do not disturb me. Perhaps you have rosacea or a type of skin disease and have reviewed, or if it worsens, or swelling, and other things. Not very likely, but if it hurts or not improved, compared to the doctor!

How nervous blush - it is really bad, especially if you want to see, or other symptoms such as sweating, trembling, palpitations, nausea, those things - you might have some problems with anxiety. Studies have shown that people who have physical symptoms of anxiety than the aforementioned much more likely to develop social phobia.The feeling is something to know what people see that you are worried about you. I suppose, possible to a certain extent, but does not mean you should feel bad for having physical symptoms. Some medications can help symptoms of anxiety, but I recommend a therapy "Show (with umbrellas, of course, ha!)

No, seriously get - and the shame to try this therapy. Social phobia was terrible when I was in college - I am, where I could not talk in class and had a few incomplete participate in the discussion. It could hardly a queue at the checkout in a grocery store. So I tried things that I am slightly concerned as eye contact with strangers. I did this until I felt good with him, then things get even more scared. I am where I am in agreement with public speaking - she even gave a eulogy at the funeral again. I do not feel so bad to know, social things, like dance or lead the public or new people. So if you are a real problem, test the therapy in whichE, just to calm their fears and make you more comfortable in social situations.

I hate it, I Rouge - It hurts and I feel like everyone was watching me. I have to do exactly what I can to protect my skin and not be overly concerned. It sucks, but it's better than a pale spirit, is not it?

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