Tuesday, January 12, 2010

E Coli More Condition_symptoms Wiki Can I Get E-coli (bacteria) From This?

Can i get E-coli (bacteria) from this? - e coli more condition_symptoms wiki

Today in my biology class 250microliters I had accidentally dumped on me (which is about 15-20 drops of water. Well, if the truth is cast on my hand, and in some cases, summer in the face.
It is the form of e-coli .. There is a large possibility that it may be with this .. ill?


Jessica said...

You have E. coli in you and you. I'm sure the amount you are in your face is not enough to cause a problem.

Weise Ente said...

250ul of the culture at high density is probably a good portion of the billions of organisms. However, the agency works, it would be quite harmless. You can drink a lot more about him and nothing would happen.

There are many different types of E. coli. There are many dangerous people, but there is also the gut of live pests in the world. She worked with a harmless laboratory strain of even one of the most benign.

TweetyBi... said...

A drop of 50 microliters. 15 drops is 750 Of course, it was the form of the bacteria E. coli. E. coli are no different. What are bacteria. That was probably not enough to cause a problem, but then you know what the concentration was not sharing this with us ..

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