Monday, February 1, 2010

My Cat Has Abdominal Pain I Had Some Very Mild Abdominal Pain And Also My Blood Test Showed Inflammation.?

I had some very mild abdominal pain and also my blood test showed inflammation.? - my cat has abdominal pain

My doctor prescribed for abdominal CT. Is it exaggerated?
Is it possible withot diagnosis and treatment of symptoms of radiation sickness extra? I had a lot of exposure before and I'm afraid with this TAC. Is it true that the CT scan are the cause of many cancers?

1 comment:

formerly... said...

Without knowing what is the document that it seeks its hard to tell when this is over kill. The cancer risk by type of X-ray radiation is proportional to the cumulative radiation exposure of all precedents. There is nothing special about the radiation from CT is the same as X-rays in the atmosphere. A scanner adds an increase to the total amount of radiation exposure - about the same amount that is three years old. This is not a big risk, but the danger can be avoided if desired. MRI is an alternative, but find hard to anyone to stay long enough to be given a high image quality of abdominal magnetic resonance, and the machine is difficult for people who are claustrophobic.

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